CESD Webinars
We believe that public schools can be legally compliant with Section 504, IDEA, and the Texas dyslexia law and still remain child-centered.

It's all about the kids...
How can we keep up during a time of social distancing?
We're working on several solutions. While the live presentations we're accustomed to are put on hold to keep us all safe, we're utilizing technology from our firm's conference arm, The Council of Educators for Students With Disabilities, Inc (CESD) to provide internet-based solutions.
In addition to the livestream presentations discussed here, CESD will also provide timely live webinars with the opportunity to answer questions of the presenter. Our first webinar was on April 16, 2020 addressing the impact of COVID Social Distancing on the school's obligation to provide FAPE. We're making plans for additional webinars in the future. We'll also soon post a replay on the CESD Webinar Library page, where we will store recorded webinars for folks to view on a pay-per-view basis.